Wednesday 1 July 2015

Employment opportunities

Know about employment opportunities and job roles in the media industries

In this essay I will be explaining the different opportunities there are in the media industry and discuss different ways in which you can get a job in the field of media.

Job roles /different employment opportunities

The first job opportunity that I will be speaking about is a director, being a director in the media industry takes hard work and dedication. Firstly you would have to work from a lower job role then work your way up to a high payed job. For example you would have to work as a runner, which is a low payed job, and by doing this you will learn different skills that will help you to eventually become a director. Other high payed jobs are also available if you are motivated enough to achieve it and that job role is a free lancer.  A free lancer is a self-employed worker that works for him/her self but can also do different job roles on different films.

In the media industry they’re a number of job roles from being a creative to being part of the financial department. The financial department is important to the media industry as without it, there would be no project. The financial department will take care of sections such as hiring a building so they can use that build to make their project. This will help the production run smoothly.  There are many people going for jobs in the media industry, this means that the industry is getting more completive everyday.  The main skill that you have to have is having work experience in the job role that you have applied for. In addition to this, the media industry interests a lot of young applicants especially people that are coming out of university with degree. This makes it harder for the people with degree to get a job within the industry, as a lot of employers are looking fro candidates with both practical and theoretical knowledge.

Sources of information.

At the start of your full time or part time job the employer should go though a contract that is appeals to you. For example in the contract it will tell you what hours you are supposed to work, how much money you will earn on an hourly rate and if you have any disabilities that you need to discuss. Also everyone in your work place should be treated the same. If not this is not acceptable because everyone in the work place should be treated equally.  This will only change when someone higher than you is getting paid to mange his or her team. For example a runner will be treated differently to a director because the director is managing his team to complete their assessment. 


A CV is a personal statement that provides previous employment information and education records. The information will tell the job roles that you had to do in the previous. For example in a previous job if you worked in customer service you would include that information in your CV, other information could include key skills you have learnt in recent years from your work experience. A CV should have personal information aswell such as date of birth, home address and other important information. A cv would help the employer decide weather that certain person is right for the job with out asking them to come in for a interview however is an applicant successful enough to get a interview it helps the employer know more about the individual before they arrive

 Companies will use Social networking sites to provide information and promote job opportunities to potential candidates, for example they use certain social networking sites such as Facebook and twitter.
Functional Skills
Functinal skills are basic skills such as English and maths. You use maths and English daily. If you know your maths and English skills this will give you the edge on other people that don’t functional skills.

Sources of information.

There are plenty of sources of information which you can find out to see which jobs are best for you and all your rights as worker is being met when in an actual role. Organisations such as trade unions ensure that workers are fairly treated and are represented. The reason to this being is if workers feel as if they are being bullied by big corporations they will have someone to represent them. When looking at the services there are plenty which will provide you with information to how to gain experience for these job roles.

Professional Behaviour

Conducting yourself in a professional manor is vital when working in the creative media industry. Skills and traits which will be expected of you are attendance, punctuality, commitment and reliability. Good attendance and punctuality shows that you are an organised individual and therefore improve your reliability. Other key sills required from you are to be a well in your professionalism and  to have good communication skills. This isvital because good communication skills can make a project run smoothly and efficiently.

Monday 29 June 2015

Coffee Cup

The final model that i have made is a coffee Cup. In this blog I will talk you though step by step on how I made the the coffee cup. Firstly I had to use a spline to create the main base of the coffee cup. Next I used a Lathe Nurbs to make the coffee cup smooth. By doing this the coffee cup will look more noticeable to viewers and create a impact on the cup. If you look below you will find a screen shot of the smooth coffee cup. 
Next i had to create a handle for the coffee cup. Firstly I used a spline to create a half circle. Next I used another spline to create this. I used a sweep nurbs to smooth out the object. Here is a screen shot of the final piece of the coffee cup. 

Here is a screen shot of the objects thats I have used for the coffee cup. If you look at the screen shot it tells you what is connect to what item. For example the sweep nurbs are connect too the circle and spline. 

Thursday 25 June 2015


In this blog I will be showing which materials I used in my barbers shop. Here is the screen shot of the materials. I have used many different materials for my objects. I have chosen a rang of different materials because I wanted the objects to look more realistic and to be eye catching. For example I have used a white and red stripes for my barbers pole because people will know that the shop is a

Wednesday 24 June 2015

3D modelling essay

In this essay i will be speaking about how 3D modelling can be used in different applications. The application that i will about will be product deign, animation TV and film, web and games, education, architectural, scientific imaging and topographic.

Firstly I will be talking about architectural walk though. At the start of building a house or new building for that matter we would have to draw it out and think in our minds how the building would look but know we don't we can use 3D modelling to create the building and even do a walk though of the building as well. They can use make any size building they like on 3D modelling from a small little house or to a large skyscraper. This is amazing people don't have to think about how the building is going to look because they see the building on a screen plus you get to walk though the building as well. an example for this would be the museum that made on the software Cinema 4D. The museum was made on the software so people could decide if the building would look nice. This helped them deiced on how big the building is going to look. This helped the people to see how big the building would look in that location. Here is a photo of the museum.

The next application that i will be speaking about will be films. It is well know that most films use 3D modeling in their films. For example the movies avatar,rise of the planet of the apes and star wars. Films like this have to use 3D modeling because they have to create new models for their new films. By using cinema 4D they can create new models that will attracts a wide range of audiences. This will attracted a new range audiences because no one has seen this model before.They also have created many different thing such as worlds cars characters and  different items. They would use Cinema 4D to see what the characters are going to look like. Here is a screen shot of some of the characters used in avatar.

Next I will be speaking about the view game modern warfare 2. The gaming industry uses a lot of cinema 4D when making a game. Nearly every model looks life like. Every time they have made a Modern ware the graphics and models just keep on getting better and better.Here are some screen shot of modern warfare 2 and the recent games now. You will notice the differences in the models and the guns and the maps.

Next i will be talking about product design. Product design uses product designing all the time. A good example is the Gtech Vacuum Cleaners. They uses the 3D modeling to check out how the product is going to look like and what items will be used in the product. For example here is a screen shot of the Vacuum cleaner when the parts are took part. Next when sells are trying to sell this product to clients this will help them because they can show how the product it going to work and what items are used to mak4e the item. This reduce the cost of their money because they are using a software that you can create any object that you like. They would have to draw the deisgn first to have a vison on how the Vacuum cleaner is going to look. After thinking designs they can start mak9ing the product on Cinema 4D.

The next industry that i will be talking about will be TV. Tv use Cinema 4D all the time. For example the Common wealth games uses Cinema 4d to create a stadium and many other item. For example when different teams are entering the stadium it will show their country's flags. This would of been made on cinema 4D. This would of made a few weeks before the common Wealth games. Another example of Cinema 4D in the Common wealth is when building the stadium. This would of be made on Cinema 4D to show to the presenters the inside of the stadium. This will help the production team get a idea on where to film  and where to the interviews after a event.


Next will be talking about how they use 3D modeling in education.They use 3D modeling in education in Austrioun team. They use this by using students that have the software Cinema 4D. They deconstruct most of the cars that they made to see how they can improve the car and make it better. By deconstruction the car they can see what the problems were with the car and how the solve the problem. Here are some screen shot of the cinema 4D at work on the cars.

Animation was a hard the start make a movie because they had to do frame by frame to shot to create animation but now they use cinema 4d to create animation. For example toy story is now made on cinema 4D. They can design the characters to look more sharper and looks more realistic. I will now take screen shot of the items that toy storys from the first one to the certain one. You can tell the different.

Friday 24 April 2015


In this blog I will be talking about the process of making my scissors for my barbers shop. I will be showing screen shots of my work to show you guys the steps I took to create the scissors.

The first step I took was put flooring in. I have done this because the flooring would be a my base of my object. Here is a screen shot lot the flooring.

Next I needed to get a 2D image of a pair of scissors, I got source from the internet. I found this useful because it helps with the guidance of different shapes for the objects that are contained in the scissors.

Here are screen shots of the objects and materials. On Cinema 4D on the right hand side it has a tool bar with all the objects and materials. The object (the sky) is the light bulb. I have chosen to put a light bulb in the sky because with out the light the object would be dull and dark. By adding this light the scissors object will stand out and be bright enough to see when placed on the glass table. Next I create a handle for one said of the scissors. I did this by using the image off Google and used it as a guides to help me to see what objects I could use to create the handle. I made the handle of the scissors and after making one side of the handle I then just copied and pasted to make another handle to make scissors. Next I wanted to create a bolt piece so it could go in the middle of the scissors. I wanted to do this because the scissors would look more realistic and by putting a bolt in the middle of the scissors it would look like the two handles are connected. After putting a bolt on to the scissors 

I wanted to add a material to the scissors to create a glossily shinning look to it. This would add quality to my objects.  The material that I chose was a Radial. I chose to use this material as I wanted the scissors to look glossy, pristine and brand new.  I wanted the scissors to look sharp and noticeable. I wanted my objects to be brand new like the barbers.
 The three arrows are used to move the object but in different ways. for example the green arrow can raise the object in the air so it is elevated. The blue and red arrow is used to move the object left to right. 

Here is my final piece of my scissors. I found this particular process easier to create due to the fact that this is my fifth object that I have made. I am starting to feel more confident and have developed skills in Cinema 4D/.of making the scissors easy

Tuesday 3 March 2015

Shaving Cream

The next object that I made for my barbers shop was a shaving cream tube. I will be talking about the steps that I had to take to make the shaving tube. I wanted a shaving tube in my barbers shop because I wanted to show that my barbers do cut throat shaving. The first step I took was to design a logo which would go on my shaving cream tube. I started by creating a mind-map which helped a visual idea on how my shaving cream tube is going to look.

After creating a variation of ideas I finally had a design that looked good and eye catching and had a good vibe to it. Next I went on  Photoshop to design the logo of my shaving cream tube. I wanted the tube to stand out and to be eye catching, also I wanted to make the tube look old fashioned which will reflect well with my vintage barbers shop..My step was to work on the top half of the tube.I used the pen tool to create the shapes. Next I chose a design to be on my shaving cream tube. The colour of the tube is green white and a hint of yellow.

Here is a photo of the design I created in Photoshop

Next I went on Cinema 4D and started to create the tube. Firstly I had to make a flooring so the shaving cream could be on a surface. Following this, I had to chose a shape. This is important because, when making your objects on Cinema 4d you have to use shapes to start off the process. The shape that I chose to use was a cube and then extruded this 3D shape and made this into a cuboid. I then put the shape in the centre of the area to help get the correct measurements. If you don't put the shape in the centre of the area, when using the x and y axis, it will not be accurate

After extruding the shape in the form of a cuboid, I then wanted to add the design what I made earlier. To do this I clicked on "materials" and then went on to the desktop of the mac and then chose the materials that I had made. Once I had  selected the material I then transferred over the material to the cuboid  that I made before. Here is a screen shot of the material on the extruded shape.

Finally I added a light to project onto the shaving cream. I did this to add more an effect to the tube and to make it more realistic. Without the light, the shaving cream will just look dark, dull and flat.. I used a Omni light. A omni light is a light that shines all around the room like a light bulb. 

Monday 2 March 2015

Glass Table

In this blog I will be talking about the process of making a table to put items on to it. So I started of by making the legs for the table. The shape that I used was cylinder. Next I extrude the cylinder to make it smaller. After making the cylinder to a normal size I then copied the cylinder four times so then i will have a leg for each side of the table.
Here is a photo of the cylinder.

Next I started to make the top of the table. I wanted to make the top of the table glass so it would add more of an effect to the table. I used a Plane/spline for the top of the table. I had to make the plane smaller so it would fit on to the four legs of the table. I had to add a material to the table to add the glass effect. Here is a photo of the glass table.

Here are the names of the objects on the right side of cinema 4D.

After looking at the table after it was done I thought it looked great but I forgot to add a light. If I add the light to the table. The table will glow and look glossy and shinny. The light type that I used was area light. The area light will birghten up the room and make it more eye catching. Here is a photo of the light.

Objects in my barbers shop

This is my barbers shop up to now. The objects that contain in the shop are a mirror, table, wall and a shaving cream bottle. This process is taking longer than I expected.  I have screen shot of the process of the making of the objects.There are two more objects that I have to create which are a barbers chair and  a radio. The hardest object too make will be the barbers. I have said this because it will be a longer process than the other objects. It will be a longer process  because the barbers chair contains more shapes than the other objects.

Friday 13 February 2015

Monday 2 February 2015





I made a plan flooring to go with my barbers shop. I will talk you through the process of making the flooring. Firstly I decide to choose a typical  barbers flooring which was black and white tiles. Secondly after choosing the materials I had to set out how many titles there are going to be contained in the barbers shop. I decide to choose 10 along on Y and 10 along on X which works is 400cm by 400cm making each tile 40cm by 40cm. Here is a screen shot of the tiles.


This is on the right side of Cinema 4D. It contains various tools and functions to create the graphics. On this side we have the skin of the flooring which is black and white tiles.This is what I had to do to change the skin colour of the flooring. The flooring is a typical barbers floor. I have chosen this flooring because it will suit my walk through barbers shop and it gives out a vintage element to the shop floor.


Here is the final piece of my flooring. To view this image I needed to render the image for the flooring.
This is the main base of the barbers shop. Now I  have my dimensions, I can start to work on the The next step, I shall be adding the walls around the flooring.


During the process of creating my flooring, I found it difficult at first because I was still learning new skills in Cinema 4D, but after by take each step at a time I began to remember the key functions and technical terms on the program, I started to get a better visual understanding on how to function and create my visual.

Friday 30 January 2015

Sketches of barbers shops ideas

Firstly, I decided to eliminate certain object that were not achievable to create and decided to focus on the radio, clippers, a chair and the barbers pole.

Barbers pole
When I started sketching the barbers pole, I did some secondary research through the internet on what a barbers pole looks like. I research the designs, colour and shape. I made a note that I will need to make three cylinders. This sketch just gives a rough idea on what a barbers pole looks like.

When sketching the clippers it made me that think that I will need to use the cube when using Cinema 4D. Again, I got some secondary research on different styles of barbers hair clippers. I have learned that the body of the clippers is a cuboid shape and a prism shape at the top where the teeth of the clippers are situated.

Barbers Chair
 The sketch of the barbers chair gives you an idea of a typical vintage chair. This will give me a clearer ideas on the 3D shapes I will need to use. I did some secondary research to get an idea on what a barbers chair looks like.

I did some research on different types of portable stereos such as radios and tape players. From my findings, I came across stereos that are known as ghetto blasters or Boom boxes. I chose this type of style as I believe it would fit in with the style of my walk-through architectural barbers shop.  I did a sketch of the boom box to get an ideas on the shapes and dimensions. I have learned that I will need to use cuboids and circles.

Here is a more detailed sketch of the barbers chair. The design is slightly different to the design at the top. b

Wednesday 28 January 2015

Drawing of my ideas

In this blog I will be displaying a number of sketches of various objects that I plan on  creating for my 3D architectural walkthrough. The start off this project, I will be creative a mind map which help me come up with visual ideas on different styles of barber shops.

For each object I will be describing how I am going to produce it. To create my objects I will be using a range of different 3D shapes. These shapes will include, cubes, cuboids, cylinders, spheres and many others.

Name of he barbers shop

I have come up with the name, “Luigi’s” for my barber shop. I will be showing my 3D modelling to a range of different ages to get a wide variation of comments from different backgrounds. 

Tuesday 27 January 2015

Barbers Pole

Today I have started to make the objects for my 3D architectural walkthrough. I have started off with the barbers pole. Firstly I had to create a skin colour. I used the software photoshop to create a row of white and red stripes to create the effect of the barbers pole. Here is a screen shot below of the stripes of white and red.
Next I went on the software Cinema 4d to create the barbers pole. Firstly I went on google and searched for designs of barbers pole, I did this because I wanted to get a visual image of how a barbers pole looks. This will help me with the process of making the barbers pole. From looking at barbers poles I could tell which shapes to use to create my own . For example the main shape to create the barbers pole was a cylinder . I used a cylinder as the main object. 

Next I used a photo from google so I could copy the image but with my own design. Though out the creation of the barbers pole I will have to use three Cylinder to make the barbers pole. The first one is the pole which is the main object, second one is the bottom of the barbers pole and the thread and final one is at the top of the pole. 

Next I wanted the white and red stripes to go on to my barbers pole. To do this I had to go to file and then to load the white and red stripe materials. The next step will be choosing the materials from my desktop, after sectioning the materials I transferred the material over to the main cylinder. After transferring the materials over to the cylinder the red and white stripes will appear on the cylinder. Here is a screen shot of the cylinder with the material.

After transferring the material over to the cylinder I then added a light to the barbers pole. I did this because I wanted the barbers pole to look more realistic and when adding the light it will show a glossy and new look to the barbers pole. Here is a photo of the light shinning on to the barbers pole. 

Here is the finished piece of my barbers pole. 

Here is the barbers pole when rendered. As you can see, the barbers pole has a shadow in the background. From adding a shadow the barbers pole looks more realistic. 

Thursday 22 January 2015


3D modelling Proposal

Working title: Luigi’s Barbers shop 


The application that I have chosen is an architectural walkthrough. It will give a 3D perspective on how the barber’s shop is going to look. The viewer will experience a virtual walk through around the high-class barbers. The objects that will be included in the barbers shop will be chairs, mirrors, TV, beverages, bottles, barbers pole and a floor.

Target audience

The audiences that I am aiming for are franchisees to invest in Luigi’s barbers chain; the name Luigi’s barbers will be a big local business barbers that everyone will recognise.
As I am constructing a barbers shop I am aiming at adult business people. The barbering industry has become popular due to trends including vintage and a slice of modern living.  This is a very urban market and attracts a wide range of men who enjoy taking pride in their personal appearance.

If you were to ask me what’s different between my barbers and the barbers you pass in your local town? Well I will tell you!   In the barbers nowadays the atmosphere is dull and the facilities are usually ancient, rusty and unhygienic. Also, most men end up with a different hairstyle to what they asked for.  

Luigi’s barbers will provide up to date movies, music and sport e.g. football, cricket and boxing. We will provide game consoles and up to date magazines. The atmosphere will be more lively and colourful. This will just make your time at the barber’s fun and a more enjoyable experience.

Objects to be modelled

The objects that will be contain in the barbers shop will be your typical objects such as sofas, black and white tiled flooring, red walls, mirrors, a barbers pole, electric clippers and a work bench.

Visual style

The visual style of Luigi barbers shop is going to be highly lit with bright lights, stylish, glossy, bright colours, bold primaries and lots of mirrors and chrome. If you wish to see any photos of Luigi’s barbers you can find the photos on their website.

Legal and ethical decision

For legal and ethical decision I would have to get consent of the companies for copyright e.g. logos and brands. After getting permission off the companies I will be able to include any branding items in my production.