Monday 2 March 2015

Glass Table

In this blog I will be talking about the process of making a table to put items on to it. So I started of by making the legs for the table. The shape that I used was cylinder. Next I extrude the cylinder to make it smaller. After making the cylinder to a normal size I then copied the cylinder four times so then i will have a leg for each side of the table.
Here is a photo of the cylinder.

Next I started to make the top of the table. I wanted to make the top of the table glass so it would add more of an effect to the table. I used a Plane/spline for the top of the table. I had to make the plane smaller so it would fit on to the four legs of the table. I had to add a material to the table to add the glass effect. Here is a photo of the glass table.

Here are the names of the objects on the right side of cinema 4D.

After looking at the table after it was done I thought it looked great but I forgot to add a light. If I add the light to the table. The table will glow and look glossy and shinny. The light type that I used was area light. The area light will birghten up the room and make it more eye catching. Here is a photo of the light.

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