Monday 29 June 2015

Coffee Cup

The final model that i have made is a coffee Cup. In this blog I will talk you though step by step on how I made the the coffee cup. Firstly I had to use a spline to create the main base of the coffee cup. Next I used a Lathe Nurbs to make the coffee cup smooth. By doing this the coffee cup will look more noticeable to viewers and create a impact on the cup. If you look below you will find a screen shot of the smooth coffee cup. 
Next i had to create a handle for the coffee cup. Firstly I used a spline to create a half circle. Next I used another spline to create this. I used a sweep nurbs to smooth out the object. Here is a screen shot of the final piece of the coffee cup. 

Here is a screen shot of the objects thats I have used for the coffee cup. If you look at the screen shot it tells you what is connect to what item. For example the sweep nurbs are connect too the circle and spline. 

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