Friday 30 January 2015

Sketches of barbers shops ideas

Firstly, I decided to eliminate certain object that were not achievable to create and decided to focus on the radio, clippers, a chair and the barbers pole.

Barbers pole
When I started sketching the barbers pole, I did some secondary research through the internet on what a barbers pole looks like. I research the designs, colour and shape. I made a note that I will need to make three cylinders. This sketch just gives a rough idea on what a barbers pole looks like.

When sketching the clippers it made me that think that I will need to use the cube when using Cinema 4D. Again, I got some secondary research on different styles of barbers hair clippers. I have learned that the body of the clippers is a cuboid shape and a prism shape at the top where the teeth of the clippers are situated.

Barbers Chair
 The sketch of the barbers chair gives you an idea of a typical vintage chair. This will give me a clearer ideas on the 3D shapes I will need to use. I did some secondary research to get an idea on what a barbers chair looks like.

I did some research on different types of portable stereos such as radios and tape players. From my findings, I came across stereos that are known as ghetto blasters or Boom boxes. I chose this type of style as I believe it would fit in with the style of my walk-through architectural barbers shop.  I did a sketch of the boom box to get an ideas on the shapes and dimensions. I have learned that I will need to use cuboids and circles.

Here is a more detailed sketch of the barbers chair. The design is slightly different to the design at the top. b

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