Friday 24 April 2015


In this blog I will be talking about the process of making my scissors for my barbers shop. I will be showing screen shots of my work to show you guys the steps I took to create the scissors.

The first step I took was put flooring in. I have done this because the flooring would be a my base of my object. Here is a screen shot lot the flooring.

Next I needed to get a 2D image of a pair of scissors, I got source from the internet. I found this useful because it helps with the guidance of different shapes for the objects that are contained in the scissors.

Here are screen shots of the objects and materials. On Cinema 4D on the right hand side it has a tool bar with all the objects and materials. The object (the sky) is the light bulb. I have chosen to put a light bulb in the sky because with out the light the object would be dull and dark. By adding this light the scissors object will stand out and be bright enough to see when placed on the glass table. Next I create a handle for one said of the scissors. I did this by using the image off Google and used it as a guides to help me to see what objects I could use to create the handle. I made the handle of the scissors and after making one side of the handle I then just copied and pasted to make another handle to make scissors. Next I wanted to create a bolt piece so it could go in the middle of the scissors. I wanted to do this because the scissors would look more realistic and by putting a bolt in the middle of the scissors it would look like the two handles are connected. After putting a bolt on to the scissors 

I wanted to add a material to the scissors to create a glossily shinning look to it. This would add quality to my objects.  The material that I chose was a Radial. I chose to use this material as I wanted the scissors to look glossy, pristine and brand new.  I wanted the scissors to look sharp and noticeable. I wanted my objects to be brand new like the barbers.
 The three arrows are used to move the object but in different ways. for example the green arrow can raise the object in the air so it is elevated. The blue and red arrow is used to move the object left to right. 

Here is my final piece of my scissors. I found this particular process easier to create due to the fact that this is my fifth object that I have made. I am starting to feel more confident and have developed skills in Cinema 4D/.of making the scissors easy